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WSOV-FM is a service of the Penns Valley Conservation Association, which serves as a steward for the Penns Creek Watershed.   We are a low-power FM community radio station serving Centre Hall, Millheim, Aaronsburg, Rebersburg, and the surrounding area. Our mission is to build and strengthen our community through education and entertainment.  We will provide media access and give a voice to community by providing broadcast facilities and community involvement to generate local community radio. 

WSOV-FM envisions a radio station where local history and natural resources as well as local food, business and talent will be featured through music, the spoken word, and other forms of creative expression. This will be accomplished by providing broadcast facilities and community involvement that generate local radio programming that reflects our rich Valley heritage.


We represent a tremendous mix of community members,  We have farmers, lawyers, academicians, students, foresters, restaurateurs, small business owners just for starters.  Community Radio - via FM airwaves and online is a great way to bring everyone to the same table.  That is also one of our goals.  We ask that you to join and support our efforts.  There are several ways to participate.  For example, you can send suggestions, you can donate funding, or you can create your own radio show!! Just use the CONTACT US section below!

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